
Showing posts from 2018


Everyone experiences some amount of sadness from time to time yet depression lasts longer as it interferes with how one feels and thinks, thereby affecting one's daily life activities. It is a debilitating mental illness that can lead to such an extreme mental state that the depressed person attempts to end his or her life due to the associated anguish and suffering. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and the fourth leading contributor to the global burden of disease. Depression is distinct from occasional sadness or grief in that it is more severe and prolonged, and lasts for at least two weeks. Its symptoms include:   Depressed mood   Loss of interest in pleasurable activities   Feelings of worthlessness and guilt   Irritability Feelings of hopelessness Moving or talking more slowly Poor concentration Changes in appetite and weight   Changes in sleep – insomnia (inability to sleep w


by Mubaraq AbdulWahab We give glory to God for bringing us this far! Today marks the second and concluding edition of the seminar by this great team. Participants, facilitators and friends, I would like to welcome you all to TMB insight 2018 magazine launch. The magazine is an awesome piece that will guide you to achieving your intended goals in this world and the next. I had the privilege to peruse this awesome magazine and I must admit that it is an important tool to improve your productivity. This magazine, the work of TMB demonstrates the role of TMB in arousing and stimulating the youths of today to become great minds for a better tomorrow. This magazine is very important to everyone here whether you are a child, adult, student, entrepreneur or whoever you are as it touches every aspect of one's life. The articles in this magazine (A goading magazine) are captivating and inspiring articles that will help many to lead a productive life in this world and the best


by Yusuff Ademola A. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. It is neither good nor bad. It is a means of conveying a message, telling others that you have been wronged, threatened, oppressed…So, it is perfectly normal to feel angry. However, anger becomes a problem when you express in such a way that it harms yourself or others. Chronic explosive anger has serious consequences for your relationships, your health and your state of mind, and could impair your productivity level – thereby you become destructive and less successful due to your hot temper. For this reason, it is essential that you learn how to manage your anger. 1.       Think before you speak: the easiest thing is saying something you would later regret in a heated situation. Take a few moments to gather your thoughts before uttering anything and allow others to involve. 2.       Express your anger in a calm situation: once your thoughts are clear, express your frustration in an assertive manner. State your concer

How to Alleviate the Problem of Drug-Use Among Youth

by Yusuff Ademola A. Addiction is an essential concept that serves an important role in explaining why people act in ways which may ultimately cause harm to themselves or others. It is a concept that causes serious damage to the self, families, relationships, schools, workplaces and neighborhoods. Research studies have shown that the risk of substance-use peaks in adolescence . A study reports that 13% of 12-17 years old studied reported to have used marijuana, 9.3% used an illegal substance other than marijuana, and about 32% used one of the most widely abused substances, alcohol. The numbers increased dramatically when 18-25 years old were asked, with about 24% having used marijuana, 13% having used an illicit drug other than marijuana, and 75% having used alcohol. In addition, for generations, public health policies and programs in the United States have attempted to prevent young people from using tobacco products. Laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minors app

5 Simple Ways to Become Productive and Successful

by Yusuff Ademola A. Virtually everyone is most concerned about success. However, not everyone can succeed except those who know the secrets behind success! The ponderous contributor to success is nothing but PRODUCTIVITY. This is the reason numerous writers and readers are obsessed with the topic ‘Productivity’.   In this digital age, staying on task and avoiding distraction have become harder to accomplish. Therefore, it is essential that you get a guide towards achieving productivity in your everyday tasks. Here are 5 simple ways to become more productive and successful: 1.       Focus on yourself in the morning : Many people begin their day by checking their emails and other social accounts. Be careful of this, perhaps it is a big productivity killer. Start your day with spiritually productive activities – if you are a Muslim, observe the Fajr Prayer and recite the morning Sunnah adhkaar; these are true stress relievers and energy boosters which never fail to make you feel b

Friendship: How your Friends Can Make You Succeed

by AbdulWahab Mubaraq 'And hold fast, all of you together to the rope of Allah, and do not separate' (3:103) In life, everyone needs somebody he will always associate with, share his or her problems with and find solution to. A friend is an individual who knows you well and you know well. He/she is a person you have regard for with affection and trust. Friends are individuals who you surround yourself with, stick and stand by you in both hard and good times. They largely determine your progress and success wherever you are both spiritually and ethically. To succeed in whatever you are doing, you must choose a friend whose goals and ambition is similar and coincides with yours.   There is an old proverb that says “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.” This therefore shows that when one is choosing a friend, one has to be very careful and cautious because if one has bad friends then one will be surely be judged as a bad person irrespective of his or her


by Hikmah Odewale If human opinion is of first importance in every of your attempt, I doubt if you would ever make a progress. Have it in mind that people will always have their views from different angles irrespective of what you do. They will always have a say, come what may, you can never please everyone. More reason I would like to advise you not to live your life to please people, if you want to live a positive and successful life, most a time people will take you for granted, making several attempts to manipulate and plan your life for you. In the end, they sympathize with you due to the result of their efforts or worse still leave you to your fate and yet take the blame on you. You ever heard of self-slavery? This is exactly what happens when all your efforts are always seated on people's interests, you end up hurting yourself and worst of all go against Allah's will at some instances. Often times, we forget that what we need is different from what we want,


EDUCATION AND THE WORLD TODAY by Mubaraq Abdul-Wahab   When I was a teenager numerous quotes and sayings were sung into my ears. Statements like "Education is the best legacy" and "Children of today are leaders of tomorrow" were some of the frequent ones. However, now that I'm grown up, I am not convinced that these sayings or quotes are true, especially after all the old people of our country have turned leadership to their assets. The Youth are not encouraged to work hard academically, others who want to work hard are impeded due to numerous factors. Few weeks back, there was a TV show which was characterized by immorality and indecency in which all sorts of shameful, terrible and ungodly habits were being displayed worldwide on TV by some lads and lasses. After the so-called TV show, the winners were honored with very huge amount of money worth about 45 Million naira! In the world of yesterday, people who are innovative, creative, intelligen


THEN AND NOW: THE MUSLIM WOMEN'S DRESS IN THE 21 ST CENTURY Gone are the days when being bashful was one of the qualities of women, gone are the days when women dressed modestly, gone are the days when women were self-conscious of exposing their body in the society, gone are the days when nudity was a thing of repugnance. This point of view is however changing significantly in this 21 st century. Albeit, Muslim women of nowadays are great being, smart, intelligent, educated, strong and flexible, it is quite disheartening that the present condition of Muslim women (in terms of dressing and modesty) is deteriorating and becoming despicable and appalling. In fact, if we are not extra careful, the advancement of the so-called civilization and exposure to various different factors in the environment will make it difficult to uphold and adhere to the correct teachings of Islam, as taught by the beloved Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Allah, the Exalted, informs us in the Quran: "


by Kolade Malik A.  The tower of life; higher than our reach, And the battle for survival is fierce, That many lost, smouldered in the air, Even before the inception of the duel for life.   Ignorantly, they had got along, To birth generations of offspring, But unconcerned of the peril that comes As the foetus trudges to life.   Now my world, no, our worlds are our antagonists Without ammunitions, they fight us, Depriving us of a little prosperous life, That may be gone even before we arrive.   Our archenemy, they make, The "illness" we brought not unto ourselves, Cum their advocacy of a world free of us, We live as a ghost that only make up a population.   What are imminent to them and us - love, family Are what they get with buoyancy, But lecture us on the peril of tasting it, To be something as grave as our "death."   Unless you raise placards above the chimney tops, And your voices echo mi


written by Tanimola , Sherif Olanrewaju Introduction It is unanimously affirmed among scholars that the family is the primary social unit which recruits new entrants into the larger society. The family, apart from its role of ensuring and sustaining the human race through procreation, has the responsibility of educating its members for spiritual awareness, moral consciousness and intellectual development. Consequently, whatever the quality of values, norms of behavior, habits etc. that a child acquires from his family reflect greatly on the society. This is so because the first point of socialization is undoubtedly the family. Thus, social malaise such as corruption wallows in a nation where the family is unresponsive. The thrust of this paper, therefore, is to cogently discuss the family as the bedrock of a corrupt-free nation. Family conceptualized According to the US Census Bureau, a family is seen as two or more people who are living together, related by blood

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