
Showing posts from July, 2018

How to Alleviate the Problem of Drug-Use Among Youth

by Yusuff Ademola A. Addiction is an essential concept that serves an important role in explaining why people act in ways which may ultimately cause harm to themselves or others. It is a concept that causes serious damage to the self, families, relationships, schools, workplaces and neighborhoods. Research studies have shown that the risk of substance-use peaks in adolescence . A study reports that 13% of 12-17 years old studied reported to have used marijuana, 9.3% used an illegal substance other than marijuana, and about 32% used one of the most widely abused substances, alcohol. The numbers increased dramatically when 18-25 years old were asked, with about 24% having used marijuana, 13% having used an illicit drug other than marijuana, and 75% having used alcohol. In addition, for generations, public health policies and programs in the United States have attempted to prevent young people from using tobacco products. Laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minors app

5 Simple Ways to Become Productive and Successful

by Yusuff Ademola A. Virtually everyone is most concerned about success. However, not everyone can succeed except those who know the secrets behind success! The ponderous contributor to success is nothing but PRODUCTIVITY. This is the reason numerous writers and readers are obsessed with the topic ‘Productivity’.   In this digital age, staying on task and avoiding distraction have become harder to accomplish. Therefore, it is essential that you get a guide towards achieving productivity in your everyday tasks. Here are 5 simple ways to become more productive and successful: 1.       Focus on yourself in the morning : Many people begin their day by checking their emails and other social accounts. Be careful of this, perhaps it is a big productivity killer. Start your day with spiritually productive activities – if you are a Muslim, observe the Fajr Prayer and recite the morning Sunnah adhkaar; these are true stress relievers and energy boosters which never fail to make you feel b

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